
Proposal to Register Guns

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Re “City Gun Registration Proposed as a Way to Reduce Drive-Bys,” Nov. 5:

It appears to me that Councilwoman Rita Walters’ legislative aide Ernie Delgado is the one who misses the point when he says, “We are saying there should also be a way of holding people accountable for owning deadly weapons.” What he should have said is “. . . there should be a way of holding people accountable for using deadly weapons.” The crux of gang violence is that the perpetrators are confident that they won’t get caught, and, if they are caught, they won’t be severely punished. It has nothing to do with every gun in Los Angeles being registered.

If the desire to register things that “might” do harm to ourselves or others were carried forward, we would have to register everything from kitchen knives to fireplace pokers and baseball bats.


