
MISSION VIEJO : Appeal Against Ward Is Rejected

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An appeal to prevent a mental-care hospital from opening an emergency ward for suicide and drug-abuse patients was denied by the City Council this week.

The council on Tuesday voted unanimously to allow Charter Hospital to open the eight-bed ward, despite objections from neighbors who said the ward is inappropriate for a residential neighborhood.

Patients served by the mental-care ward can be hospitalized involuntarily under a state law that requires those considered a danger to themselves and others to be held for at least 72 hours.


The homeowners cited earlier assurances from hospital administrators, who promised not to create an emergency-care ward in an application to the city for permission to open the health-care center.

Representatives of the 90-bed hospital at 23228 Madero acknowledged that they had promised not add a mental-care ward, but told the council that the need in the community for emergency mental care forced them to renege.

The city Planning Commission agreed with hospital officials and voted in September to allow the hospital to construct the new ward. The commission added several conditions, including reserving the right to review the permit next year. An appeal was subsequently filed by the residents.


Jeffrey Thrash, hospital administrator, said the the ward will need final approval from the county. The process is expected to take four to six months, Thrash said.
