
Even After the Shock, It’s Hard to Get Used to Absence of Magic

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There are three points in time in my life that I will never forget: the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassination, and Magic Johnson’s press conference of (his) being HIV positive. I am not surprised at this man’s revealing this to the world as he is truly the persona of class. No athlete, in this century, can compete with this person in class and charisma.

Take notice, you young athletes and some of you older ones, you have never seen this man wearing an earring, a “fade” or jerry-curl, or his name carved into his hair. He’s always tastefully and conservatively dressed, was never in the drug scene or screaming “I am the greatest.” He didn’t have to--he was the the greatest.

He will do more for the fight against AIDS than Liz Taylor or all the protesters, combined.

God bless him. How I will miss his Showtime.


San Diego
