
Company Sees Inaccuracy Over Open Space

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The Los Angeles Times reported last week that the Orange County Board of Supervisors gave up a claim to land that had been designated as open space, on which a developer had built 21 homes. The Times has misinformed its readers to believe that the public has been cheated of open space within Robinson Ranch.

The homes were not built on land intended for open space.

The homes were built in a location approved by the county. They are in their correct location.

In 1986 a zone change revision was prepared for the Robinson Ranch. As part of this action, open space and residential areas shifted, increasing open-space acreage and revising residential density. Both zone change actions had public hearings and were approved by the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.


The county did not give up its claim on open space at its (Nov. 5) meeting. (It) did modify a portion of an open-space offer previously approved in 1978 and revised in 1986. The Board of Supervisors’ approval (Nov. 5) cleared up the title so that the boundaries of open space would agree with the zoning approved in 1986.

The Times also continues to make reference and misleading statements regarding the 96 acres within Marina Hills (in Laguna Niguel). The homes built within Marina Hills are built in their proper and correct location. As in Robinson Ranch, revised Area Plans, Feature Plans and Tentative Maps all have governmental approvals, which specifically allowed subsequent adjustments.

The public has been the beneficiary of open space set aside in Robinson Ranch and Marina Hills.


RICHARD HUNSAKER, President, Hunsaker & Associates Irvine Inc., Irvine. Editor’s note: Hunsaker & Associates was the engineer for both Robinson Ranch and Marina Hills in Laguna Niguel.
