
Check Fine Print About Utility Profits

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There is a big fuss about the salary increase voted and then rescinded by the Orange County Supervisors in the face of the current depression (recession?). Just as unjustified, but not noticed by most people, are the raises being requested by the public utilities.

How many of us have looked at the “small-print” notices in our gas and electric bills lately? Look carefully. These monopolies are asking for guaranteed profits (so-called “fair return on their investment”). I have no objection to their receiving a fair return on their investment so they can stay in business and keep supplying us with their non-competitive services. What bothers me is what they consider “fair.”

In the face of the current depression (which is not going away, in spite of reassurances from the White House), the terms of our support of these monopolies must be re-evaluated. Check the enclosures in your utility bills. Take seriously the notice that you may contribute your views to the Public Utilities Commission considering the proposed rate increases.


Compare the requested profits with what most other businesses are experiencing. Most of all, look at the salaries being paid the top executives in these protected companies and factor those into the requested rate increases.

