
Pay Cuts for L.A. Teachers

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In response to “Teachers Angered by Plan to Cut Pay,” Nov. 6:

Since Los Angeles School Board members act unilaterally and with impunity these days, here’s something they could implement that would save millions of dollars, could reduce the understandable anger of teachers and help put education of children as a top priority for the LAUSD--a precedent worth pursuing.

The plan is simple and workable: Make one pay scale for all administrators and teachers in the LAUSD. The highest pay allowable for anyone in these categories will be the highest pay now on the pay scale for classroom teachers.

Education of students happens in classrooms with teachers and children; this means that the most important job in the LAUSD is that of classroom teacher. Since the top amount for classroom teachers at this time is approximately $55,000, then that will be the maximum for everyone--administrators and teachers alike.


