
Many Cities Charge Fee for Security-System Use

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Before you have a home-security system installed, don’t forget that you’ll probably have to get a permit to use it.

Alarm permits are usually issued through a city’s Department of Building and Safety or Police Department. A handful of cities don’t charge anything for the permits, while others charge more than $25 a year.

Don’t think that you can avoid taking out a permit to save a little money, as some homeowners do when they remodel their homes. Many law-enforcement agencies won’t respond to a call from a monitoring station if a homeowner’s alarm goes off but no permit is on file.


The City of Los Angeles charges $31 a year for an alarm permit. Here’s a sampling of what some other Southland municipalities charge:

* Culver City: $28 for initial permit, $5 annual renewal fee.

* Pasadena: $69.06, good through 1994.

* Fullerton: $25 a year.

* Santa Ana: No charge.

* San Diego: $20 for two years.
