
Trudeau on Dan Quayle

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I was shocked on reading your paper (Nov. 11) to find that debate had been under way whether to censor the comic strip “Doonesbury.”

Garry Trudeau’s comic strip is an American masterpiece. It reminds me of former President Ford’s quote: “There are only three major vehicles to keep us informed as to what’s going on in Washington: the electronic media, the print media and ‘Doonesbury’--not necessarily in that order.”

Although some may find his satire offensive, it is in no way revolutionary or propagandistic and the humor validates his implications (i.e., that Dan Quayle is familiar with drugs--as doubtless he is, having been alive in the ‘60s.) The constitutional right to free press should be enough reason to allow it to pass uncensored. The Times should feel proud for printing strips that may have frightened other papers, but should be ashamed for “prudently” wimping out and including a “This isn’t true, but Quayle gave it the go-ahead” disclaimer.


