
ACT-UP and AIDS Education in Tustin

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As Tustin High School Parent Teacher Organization board members and concerned parents of Tustin High School students, we are outraged by the invasion and disruption of our campus Nov. 13 by the Orange County chapter of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP).

Without an invitation or permission from school officials, this group took it upon itself to distribute colored condoms and so-called “safe sex” information to our young teens during homecoming week.

ACT-UP’s appearance on our campus was an unsolicited intrusion and exploitation of our students to promote their agenda. Moreover, we feel that the presence of the media created the opportunity for ACT-UP to gain the attention it sought.


According to the media, ACT-UP targeted Tustin High School because it reportedly felt that our students were not getting enough information about AIDS.

We strongly believe that teaching our youth about sex and its positive and negative ramifications is an issue that falls under parental domain and educational environments where trained instructors teach district-approved health and sex-education courses.

Many parents support and promote the districtwide policy that stresses abstinence to our children. We are angered by ACT-UP’s implication that this alternative to sexual activity is antiquated.


PTO board members, concerned parents and students who read the pamphlet disseminated by ACT-UP were embarrassed and appalled by the suggestive and offensive content. In our opinion, the information presented in the pamphlet was inappropriate and unacceptable to those of us who have worked hard to instill traditional family values in our children.

We agree with a student quoted by the press as saying, “This literature is graphic and lewd and doesn’t tell you anything about safe sex.” The pamphlet titled, “You can stop AIDS,” borders on pornography as it describes other “safe sex” practices including the construction and use of dental dams, rimming, oral and anal contact as well as other sexual activity.

Their pamphlet also lists three local organizations, along with ACT-UP, where callers can obtain additional information on AIDS. After checking with these organizations, we learned that they were neither aware nor had they given authorization for their name to appear in this pamphlet.


We encourage all parents and concerned citizens to stand in support of the Tustin Unified School District’s policy on abstinence.

BARBARA PARKINSON, President, Parent Teacher Organization board, Tustin High School
