
THOUSAND OAKS : City Delays Hearing on School Antenna

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The Thousand Oaks Planning Commission has postponed a public hearing on California Lutheran University’s proposal to build a hilltop radio tower, a city official said.

At the request of university officials, the commission voted Monday to delay until Feb. 10 the hearing on the proposed 150-foot-high antenna that has drawn strong opposition from area residents.

The university proposes to build the radio tower on Montclef Ridge, about 740 feet above Olsen Road, according to planning documents.


University officials asked to delay the hearing, which had been scheduled for Monday, so that they could respond to objections by area residents about the proposed site.

Residents have said the antenna will ruin the view of the undeveloped hillside. In addition, they have raised concerns that the tower may emit unhealthful levels of radiation and may interfere with radio and cable TV reception.

The residents’ concerns will be addressed in an environmental report that will be distributed for public review in the middle of December, city planner Greg Smith said.


In addition, the university plans to hold a community meeting about the proposed antenna in late January or early February, spokeswoman Jean Sandlin said.

People interested in attending the meeting should call Dennis Gillette at 493-3164, Sandlin said.
