
High Life : A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : At Lunchtime, All Menus Are Not Created Equal

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Eating lunch in the school cafeteria will more often turn a teen-ager’s stomach than fill it. . . . Unless, of course, that student is lucky enough to attend high school in the Garden Grove Unified School District.

Last month the district received an award of recognition from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, based on its cafeterias’ innovative and healthful menus and the high percentage of students who dine there. The district was the only recipient in the county and one of 10 to win the award statewide.

Considering that a well-fed student is a better student, Hot Topics wonders, “What’s your typical school lunch consist of?”


“A greasy slice of pizza and a watered-down Coke.” Jeff Leech, 17, senior, Fullerton

“My vegetarian sandwich, which has cheese and zucchini; vanilla pudding; Fritos; strawberry Fruit-Rollups, and Hawaiian Punch--packed neatly in my Muppet Babies lunch box.” Jacquelyn Ruth, 17, senior, University

“The Wienerschnitzel mustard dog.” Jackie Mulchar, 17, senior, Villa Park

“A Super Big Gulp and a cheeseburger. I’m pretty sure that’s usually it.” Joey Broccardo, 17, senior, San Clemente

“First, I go to the cafeteria and get a turkey sandwich or a sub, a regular milk and an apple or an orange. Then I go out to lunch with my friends, usually to Taco Bell. I get a small Dr. Pepper, a bean burrito with sour cream and tostada.” Chris Blythe, 17, senior, Los Amigos


“Sometimes I bring rice, kim-chi and other Korean food.” John Yom, 16, senior, Troy

“I have a pickle, peanut butter and cheese on pumpernickel bread.” Susanna Lee, 16, junior, Ocean View

“A soda and maybe something else.” Tom Gerlach, 16, junior, Servite

“Almost every day for my whole life I’ve had a sandwich and a drink for lunch. But on occasions, I take a salad to school because I’m becoming a vegetarian.” Magda Soto, 16, junior, Saddleback

“I eat peanut-butter sandwiches.” A.J. Burch, 15, sophomore, Irvine

“Caviar, bologna and escargot.” Victoria Westrup, 17, senior, Calvary Chapel

“I bring a salad and a piece of fruit. Sometimes I get lazy and I don’t make anything, and starve.” Lis Piantidosi, 17, senior, Villa Park


“Leftovers from last night’s dinner.” Sharon Chan, 16, junior, Rosary

“My lunch consists of an apple, string cheese, cookies, a sandwich and water.” Jill Barnard, 17, senior, Fullerton

“I don’t know, I eat everything.” Dana Netherby, 16, junior, San Clemente

“A vegetarian sandwich from Subway. They’re quite good, and they consist mostly of lettuce. They are quite filling as well. . . . Also, the vegetarian sandwich costs $1.99, but sometimes the deli charges me $1.69.” Evan Jacobs, 18, senior, Los Amigos

“A Coke, a candy bar, maybe a burger or a taco and some french fries.” Todd Warner, 17, senior, Troy

“A BLT sandwich and a Sunny Delight.” David Chiu, 14, freshman, University

“Two sandwiches, banana, chocolate pudding, root beer, cookies and chips.” Steve Correa, 16, junior, Servite

“Usually I have a burrito, apple juice and a granola bar.” Dan Ohgi, 14, freshman, Ocean View

“A sub sandwich and milk.” Jian Zhang, 17, senior, Saddleback

“Instant soup, an apple and ice tea.” Sandy Farris, 17, senior, Calvary Chapel

“Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, chips, an orange and apple juice, or whatever my mom packs in my lunch.” Kelly Hagan, 17, senior, Villa Park


“I don’t really know. My friends usually end up eating it.” John Oates, 17, senior, Fullerton

“Any leftovers I find in the refrigerator.” Celena Chen, 17, senior, University

“Two peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches made by my mom, of course, Fritos, cookies like Chips Ahoy and a warm Pepsi.” Jason Kuncas, 16, junior, San Clemente

“Going to Subway, maybe Del Taco, or I go across the street to my friend’s house and eat.” Angela Reyes, 17, senior, Troy

“A turkey sandwich, fruit, a juice drink, a bag of chips and two homemade cookies.” Matt Kliner, 16, junior, Servite

“A main course and two side dishes.” Chase Lubbock, 16, junior, Calvary Chapel

“I usually eat a hamburger, some fries and a drink.” Eliz Menev, 16, junior, Irvine

“Lunch? What’s lunch?” Priscilla Lee, 17, senior, Ocean View

Next Week’s Hot Topic: For what do you give the most thanks?
