
Democracy in the Mideast

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In response to “Door Is Open for Arab Democracy,” by Lawrence Rosen, Commentary, Nov. 7:

The self-serving “unspoken fear” that Rosen associates with Arab culture contains major flaws in history, journalistic standards and social understanding.

Rosen conveniently overlooks the fact that Middle Eastern autocracies, which represent Islam as much as David Duke represents Christianity, were created by the West and imposed on the Arab peoples via the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916. Democracy has been deterred in the Middle East for material, geopolitical interests. Ask the Kurds and the Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein and other pro-democracy elements in the Middle East.

The sources Rosen used in his argument are nameless, a violation of any journalistic standard, and one that can easily misguide the public. To suggest that “one Palestinian recently said” or to assert “said one Arab intellectual” leaves me curious: With whom has Rosen been talking?


It is shameful to point out to Rosen that “well-inscribed Arab political culture” is not rooted in “Arab tribes.” Many Arabs actually live in metropolitan areas and have developed sophisticated political thought. There is only one problem--they usually end up in the jails of pro-Western dictatorships.

Furthermore, Islamic law and Arab culture are two distinct entities. The cornerstone of Sharia (Islamic law) is self-government. Consequently, the strongest opposition to Middle Eastern autocracies are Islamic groups who are habitually met with a deaf ear and blind eye from Western leaders.

It is hypocritical for a supporter of Israel to demand other people’s adherence to “international human-rights conventions.” Israel continues to confiscate Palestinian homes if it has not bombed them; education has been denied to Palestinian children, and “administrative detention” of Palestinians remains a common accepted practice by Israel.


Rosen’s article was condescending and carried a racist tone. An article written about Jews with the same veneer adopted by Rosen would be deemed anti-Semitic, the same judgment necessitated by this particular opinion.



Muslim Public Affairs Council

Los Angeles
