
Deadline on Applications for Gates’ Job Extended

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The city’s Personnel Department has extended the deadline for applicants seeking to succeed Chief Daryl F. Gates to allow more time for candidates from within the Los Angeles Police Department to apply.

Larry Niles, who is overseeing the selection process for a new chief, said Friday that when the job opening was advertised in September, prospective applicants were advised that the deadline for applications would be Nov. 22, or “until sufficient numbers have been filed.” To date, more candidates from outside Los Angeles have applied and an additional week or two is now being provided for in-house candidates to apply, he said. Niles declined to reveal how many applications have been filed or who has applied.

He said his department will soon begin reviewing applications and create a list of 10 to 15 semifinalists. The city’s Civil Service Commission will begin interviews by early February, and a list of finalists will then be submitted to police commissioners, Niles said. Gates announced that he would resign in the wake of the Rodney G. King beating.
