
Libya Accused in Jet Bombing

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A new and plausible theory has been developed connecting the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 with “two of Moammar Kadafi’s key intelligence operatives” (“Libyan Spies Implicated in Pan Am Jet Bombing,” Nov. 15). The evidence may or may not be conclusive. Only a properly established, neutral fact-finding tribunal can determine the truth.

No sooner had the announcement of an indictment been made in Washington than a carefully orchestrated anti-Kadafi “war cry” was set in motion by the White House and State Department. Uncharacteristically, the prestigious Times rowed carelessly into the Establishment stream of thought, treating the issue of an indictment as tantamount to a finding of guilt. It ignored the fact that the indictment may well be tainted by longstanding bias towards Libya and its nonconformist leader.

How much longer can President Bush and his war-hungry cohorts be allowed to poison the minds of the American people? By making threats of violence against other nations (where innocent people live), we are reducing ourselves to the level of terrorists. If other national leaders were to pursue the line of logic that permeates the Bush White House, the world would be in a perpetual state of war.


I am a frequent flyer between Los Angeles and London; so are several members of my family and our friends. Any attempt to exterminate Kadafi will make future flights more nerve wracking, not one whit safer. Terrorists (and not necessarily Libyan terrorists) have long displayed an inexplicable ingenuity to engage in “tit-for-tat diplomacy” and make a mockery of the best-laid schemes of mandarins and monarchs.

LEO NEALON, Huntington Beach
