
City Sends Funding Wish List to County

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The City Council this week decided on its priorities for Community Development Block Grant funding.

The council’s requests will be forwarded to the county, which administers the federal funds.

At the top of the list is a request for $80,000 for Interval House, a Seal Beach-based shelter for battered women. That is followed by requests for $1,000 to hire temporary workers to relieve caretakers of Alzheimer’s disease victims for several days; $20,000 for after-school programs for children from low- and moderate-income families; and another $20,000 for day-care programs for the same families.


In addition, the city is requesting $50,000 for a concrete grinder to work on tree-damaged sidewalks; $20,000 for low-interest grants and loans for housing rehabilitation assistance to low- and moderate-income households; and $5,000 for a feasibility study of a retirement home on 4 acres of vacant land within Leisure World.

In recent years, the city’s funding through the block grant program has been about $50,000 each year.
