
Master’s Bryant Awaits Eligibility Ruling by NAIA

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Joe Jon Bryant, a 6-foot-7 forward who was expected to make a big impact this season for The Master’s College, has not played in his team’s first three games as the school awaits a decision on his academic eligibility by the National Assn. of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Bryant is a senior who transferred from Richmond University in the fall of 1990 but did not play until gaining eligibility in midseason. He is a burly shot blocker who also can drive to the basket. Bryant was expected help Master’s make a strong bid for a district championship this season. “We need him,” said Master’s Coach Mel Hankinson.

If the NAIA leaves the matter up to the school, Hankinson will have Bryant on his team. School officials expect to hear from the NAIA eligibility committee early next week.


Bryant was deficient five units after the spring semester because some of his units at Richmond did not fulfill any requirements at Master’s when they were transferred. School officials say that Bryant completed five units in independent study over the summer, which could have been counted toward the spring semester, according to school policy, but Bryant neglected to enroll with the registrar.

The school became aware of the problem in the fall, when the registrar could not declare Bryant eligible because he did not declare the work he did over the summer until the fall. “The kid’s heart was really right,” said John Stead, Master’s academic vice president. “He was not trying to violate anything.”

The Master’s faculty voted to make an exception to policy and place Bryant’s hours back on the spring semester. The NAIA District III eligibility committee sent a recommendation to the NAIA national eligibility committee Monday, saying that if the school allows Bryant’s units to count for the spring semester, then Bryant should be eligible.


If the NAIA rules to accept the school’s willingness to make an exception to its policy, then Bryant will play Tuesday night at UC Riverside, and he will have missed five games, including two this weekend. If the NAIA rules against the exception, then Bryant will not be eligible to play until the fall semester ends Dec. 19.

“The Master’s has done a good job with following the letter of the law and not allowing him to compete until they get a ruling,” said Ron Prettyman, chairman of the NAIA District III eligibility committee.
