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Cypress 1990-91 RECORDS OVERALL: 21-7 LEAGUE: 9-1

COACH: RECORD AT SCHOOL Denise Selbe: 31-18

RETURNING STARTERS YR. HGT. P Lupe Nava Sr. 6-0 C-F Alison Kosaka Jr. 5-6 G-F Jessica Eggleston So. 5-11 C

TOP RETURNERS YR. HGT. P Susan Flaming So. 5-4 G Sharleen Murakoshi Sr. 5-5 G Valerie Atha Sr. 5-9 F

TOP NEWCOMERS YR. HGT. P Julie Adams Fr. 5-11 F-C Amber Butcher So. 5-11 F


Although league MVP Frances Oda graduated, don’t feel too sorry for the Centurions. Selbe has three starters back, including all-league performer Nava, from a team that reached the Division 3-A quarterfinals last season. Nava averaged 15 rebounds and six blocked shots as a junior, but Selbe will use her on the perimeter as well. “Don’t be surprised if you see her at point guard sometimes,” Selbe said. “She can play anywhere on the court.” Eggleston, who averaged 12 rebounds as a freshman, provides additional inside strength and is expected to score more this season. Kosaka is steady on the wing and plays tough defense, and Selbe hopes Flaming can take over for Oda at point guard. Atha and Murakoshi return with varsity experience and will both be counted on to provide balance. Selbe is high on both Adams and Butcher, both of whom she describes as aggressive post players. Cypress lacks depth in the backcourt, but Selbe is counting on Nava to help out with ball-handling against pressure defenses. When teams emphasize stopping Nava, Selbe is counting on Flaming and Kosaka to provide scoring punch from the perimeter. Nava, Eggleston, Adams and Butcher should control the boards.
