
50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

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As we come to the 50th anniversary of our disaster of Pearl Harbor and entry into World War II, it is time to remember more than just being forced to fight by Japanese militarism gone mad. Our government of that times shares the responsibility for the conflict. Our trade wars and embargoes on scrap iron, etc., compelled them to strike out, starting a conflict they knew they had little chance of winning.

Our entry into World War II would have started with a naval and carrier battle in mid-Pacific and not with the debacle at Pearl Harbor if President Franklin Roosevelt and his immediate aides had not so badly wanted to strike out at Hitler. The careers of Adm. Husband Kimmel and Gen. Walter Short were blighted, our battle fleet destroyed with the loss of thousands because our leaders in the Pacific were purposely not told of what Washington knew about the Japanese fleet being en route across the Pacific.

In retrospect it was really Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Day of Infamy.


Palos Verdes
