
Praise for Prager

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I found it infuriating and offensive that all of the letters you chose to print in response to your feature on KABC-AM talk show host Dennis Prager were negative and critical of him (“The Prager Prism,” by Joel Engel, Nov. 17; Letters, Nov. 24).

Reader Burt Wilson says Prager shows hypocrisy in his defense of the death penalty and his passion for the Ten Commandments. Obviously, Wilson does not listen to Prager very much. If he did, he would know that Prager has repeatedly explained that the exact Hebrew translation of the Sixth Commandment is “Do not murder “--not kill .

Anyone who listens to Prager knows that he is the kindest and most compassionate among all radio personalities. Those who perceive of him as otherwise are evidently intimidated by someone who can articulate a position contrary to theirs with such eloquence, conviction and sincerity.

Prager only asks that listeners “think a second time.”


