
Duarte’s Government Neglects Residents

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I would like to respond to the recent letter from Ginny Joyce, the mayor of Duarte (Times, Nov. 17.) Duarte has no future because Duarte’s government is caught in the same rut as all levels of government, the rut of stagnant and declining interest by government in the everyday problems of its citizens.

I used to live in Duarte. After changing jobs in early 1989, I bought a condo there in May of that year. I was ecstatic. I would be able to itemize my taxes again, plus my commute to work would be considerably shortened.

However, I soon became aware that nothing was being done to correct known problems in the area, and that nothing was intended to be done about them.


I was on the board of this condo association, so I certainly can say I worked to change things. Not once did any city officials show up as scheduled to talk about pinhole plumbing leaks. Not once when I went to City Hall about improved security measures for the complex was I taken seriously. Not once did any of the other board members take their responsibilities seriously.

That is why I left Duarte, and now drive farther to work every day, thereby further degrading the air quality the mayor mentions in her letter.

Yes, the soul of a city is its people, but if you drive out all the decent people, you won’t have much of a soul left.


It’s time for all people who truly want a better city, county, state (or even condo association) to start doing their part, which includes electing responsible individuals who will get the job done, no matter what that job may be. And that includes voting out those who shirk their responsibilities.

Until that time comes, those with a real vision for the future will continue to vote with their feet, leaving the bureaucratic deadbeats, apathetic masses and criminal element behind.

