
AIDS in Los Angeles County

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Research: Tracy Thomas

Patient characteristics for Los Angeles County AIDS cases:


Males Females Total Oct. Year Oct. Year Oct. EXPOSURE SOURCE Cases to Date Cases to Date Cases to Date Homosexual/Bisexual, male 176 1,967 0 0 176 1,967 Heterosexual IVDU* 16 122 3 34 19 156 Homosexual/Bisexual IVDU 11 154 0 0 11 154 Hemophilia/Coag Disorder 3 13 0 1 3 14 Heterosexual Contact 1 28 1 30 2 58 Transfusion 3 23 4 13 7 36 Undetermined 10 133 1 14 11 147 TOTAL 220 2,440 9 92 229 2,532 PEDIATRIC CASES Hemophilia/Coag Disorder 0 1 0 0 0 1 Parent at Risk 0 1 2 8 2 9 Transfusion 0 5 1 2 1 7 Undetermined 0 0 0 1 0 1 TOTAL 0 7 3 11 3 18

Year EXPOSURE SOURCE Homosexual/Bisexual, male Heterosexual IVDU* Homosexual/Bisexual IVDU Hemophilia/Coag Disorder Heterosexual Contact Transfusion Undetermined TOTAL PEDIATRIC CASES Hemophilia/Coag Disorder Parent at Risk Transfusion Undetermined TOTAL

CASES SINCE 1981: 13,647 DEATHS SINCE 1981: 9,534 Negative number indicates reclassification * IVDU is Intravenous Drug User Source: L.A. County Dept. of Health Services
