
When glasses clink Sunday evening at Occidental...

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When glasses clink Sunday evening at Occidental College, the toasts will be to interfaith under standing, as well as to George and Besse Meyer of Los Angeles, who have endowed a public lecture series on Judaism and its relationship with other faiths.

The endowment was created through a gift to the little-known but active Jewish Chautauqua Society, the educational arm of the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. The group is affiliated with the Reform movement.

The society’s executive director, Lewis Eisenberg, estimated that 2 million students in North America have participated in accredited courses on Judaic subjects sponsored by the society at colleges, universities and theological seminaries throughout North America. In Southern California, the society has supported courses at Loyola Marymount University, UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton, USC and National University in San Diego.


“We try to focus where there is no or little Jewish presence,” he said, “because we believe that anti-Semitism--and all bigotry and hatred--are primarily a function of ignorance.”

Karen King, chairwoman of Occidental’s department of religious studies, said the endowment will enable the college to bring top speakers to campus for interdisciplinary discussion two weeks a year.

The inaugural lecture will be delivered by Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, pastor of St. Anastasia’s Church in Playa de Rey and former ecumenical officer of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, at a celebratory dinner at 5 p.m. in the south dining room. The college is at 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, (818) 788-8880.



An abundance of traditional and contemporary Christmas music, drama and verse will be offered throughout the Southland this weekend. Here is a sampling:

Replete with flying angels and live animals, “The Glory of Christmas” will be presented twice daily through Dec. 29 at the Crystal Cathedral, 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. Tickets range from $14 to $25, with a $2 discount for children under 12. For information, call (714) 54-GLORY.

A full orchestra complements Lake Avenue Congregational Church’s 180-voice Sanctuary Choir for its annual Christmas concert Sunday at 6 p.m. at 393 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena. Admission is free; donations will be accepted. For information, call (818) 795-7221.


Helen Baylor, Christian recording artist and member of the Crenshaw Christian Center, gives a concert today at the Compton High School auditorium to benefit children in foster homes. Admission is a new, unwrapped toy worth $15 or more, suitable for a child age 6 to 12. Doors open at 2 p.m.; concert starts at 3 p.m. The address is 601 S. Acacia, Compton. For information, call (213) 635-3881.

“White Christmas on the Hillside,” with choral and orchestra music and animals, will be presented at Glendora’s Church of the Open Door, 701 W. Sierra Madre Ave., tonight at 7:30 and Sunday at 6 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for children. For information, phone (818) 914-4646.

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christmas Oratorio will be performed at 3 p.m. Sunday at the California Heights United Methodist Church, 3759 Orange Ave., Long Beach. The audience will be invited to join the orchestra and chorus in eight chorales. Child care is available, and a reception follows. Admission is free; contributions will be accepted. For information, phone (310) 595-1996.

A Christmas cantata, “And It Came to Pass,” will be presented by the youth of St. Andrew Church in Los Alamitos. The performance will begin at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Performing Arts Center of Los Alamitos High School, 3591 Cerritos Ave., Los Alamitos. Admission is free; donations will be accepted. For information, phone (213) 594-8706.


Cardinal Roger M. Mahony will be host of the 14th annual Cardinal’s Christmas Party for 600 children from low-income areas today at the Los Angeles Music Center. The party’s dual purpose is to spread cheer among needy children and call attention to Catholic Charities, which each Christmas season distributes $60,000 worth of food, clothing, cash and toys to indigent families.

This year, Mattel Inc. is picking up the tab for the party. Catholic Charities is looking for others to assist its work. Donations may be sent to Catholic Charities, 1400 West 9th St., Los Angeles 90015. For information, phone (213) 251-3400.


Please address notices to: Southland File, c/o Religion Editor, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Items about coming events must arrive at least two weeks before the event to receive consideration.
