
Student Plays at White House

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Gregory Jefferson of Pasadena, a sophomore flutist at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, performed a solo at the “Christmas in Washington” concert under the direction of conductor Ian Fraizier. The event was held Sunday for President Bush and his wife, Barbara, and senators and representatives. It was taped for airing on NBC on Wednesday.

Although Jefferson, 15, has played the flute for only seven years, he has already distinguished himself as one of the top classical flute soloists in the nation.

The screening process for the concert began when the Young Musicians Foundation named Jefferson as its top candidate. The organizers of the event reviewed a dozen of his performances on video and his appearances on “The Tonight Show” and in a CBS news segment.


Last summer he performed at the Hollywood Bowl under the direction of Henry Mancini. While a freshman at Pasadena High School, he soloed at Carnegie Hall with the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra.

He has soloed and performed with the Glendale Symphony Orchestra, Pasadena Youth Orchestra, Pasadena Pops Orchestra, Inland Empire Orchestra, San Fernando Valley Pops and Young Musicians Debut Orchestra.

He was recently awarded a $2,500 scholarship from the New York Philharmonic’s Music Assistant Fund, which awards scholarships to black youngsters to encourage them to pursue careers in professional symphonic music.


The Los Angeles County High School for the Arts is a free public school located at Cal State Los Angeles.
