
No-Fault Car Insurance

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Once again I am struck by your lack of analysis in pushing no-fault auto insurance (editorial, “No-Fault Without Fear,” Dec. 9). You editorialize that significant savings will result if California adopts a New York-type no-fault system, citing the recently released RAND study. This is clearly deceptive. What RAND actually said was that policy savings of 5-11% were possible (based on savings of 11-22% of bodily injury premiums, which are half or less of policy premiums).

In California the average policy cost is $875. In New York it is $798 (according to the National Assn. of Insurance Commissioners). The difference is $77 per year or 22 cents per day!

Would you really give up your right to a lawyer for 22 cents per day, an amount less than the daily cost of buying the newspaper?


JOHN P. FORHAN, Santa Barbara. The writer is an attorney.
