
Jones Ignorant on Project 10

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Bill Jones, chairman of the county Republican Central Committee and admirer of ex-Klansman David Duke, takes a swipe at L. A. Unified School District’s Project 10 program (“County GOP Locked in Power Struggle,” Dec. 8), a dropout prevention program targeted at teen-age homosexuals. He characterizes Project 10 as an “underground” recruitment program which siphons money from AIDS research funds to finance homosexual how-to classes.

Without commenting on the ridiculous nature of such mindless statements, I would like to reaffirm that Project 10 is a counseling program aimed at keeping teen-age gays and lesbians in school and from committing suicide or otherwise engaging in self-destructive behavior in ever-increasing numbers. That Project 10 is necessary is demonstrated by the emotional abuse hurled upon this population by the likes of Jones. Project 10 receives no money from AIDS research funds or any other funds. Its concept thrives because decent people know that all children, including gays and lesbians, deserve respect and dignity. As for as being “underground,” Jones shows his lack of contact with reality. Project 10 is routinely the subject of radio, TV and newspaper features.


Project 10, Los Angeles Unified School District
