
COUNTYWIDE : Fraser Takes Out Election Papers

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Oxnard businesswoman Arlene Fraser has taken out papers to challenge the reelection of Ventura County Supervisor John K. Flynn in the 5th District, which includes most of Oxnard and El Rio.

Fraser has until March 6 to file papers to qualify for the June 2 ballot.

The first-time candidate, who served as the campaign treasurer for Oxnard Mayor Nao Takasugi last year, said she plans a no-frills campaign that emphasizes her youth and leadership ability.

In an interview, the 45-year-old Fraser declined to distinguish herself from Flynn and Takasugi, who has previously expressed an interest in running for Flynn’s seat.


“At this point, I don’t see any differences between Takasugi and myself,” Fraser said.

Flynn, she said, “has done a very good job the past 15 years.” But she said the public wants “a new voice” on the board.

Fraser operates cleaning supply and desktop publishing businesses from her home in the Silver Strand beach community. She previously worked as an engineering technician with the Ventura County Flood Control District.

Fraser, a registered Democrat, became involved in politics in 1988 when she campaigned for the successful passage of a $40-million Oxnard School District bond measure to build several new elementary and junior high schools.
