
Backers of Deputy’s View of Gays, Columnist’s View of Deputy

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So Dana Parsons has a fit because an Orange County deputy sheriff writes something Parsons doesn’t like. Parsons criticizes the deputy for holding two jobs as both cop and editorialist. So what’s Mr. Parsons doing in his Jan. 8 column “Better That Deputy Dispenses Bias With Pen Than Gun” if not the same?

I grew up back in the 1960s believing all cops were mindless automatons. I find it exceedingly refreshing reading of Mr. Alvarez’s humanism. I find it revealing that Parsons worries about what the deputy sheriff thinks. Anyone remember George Orwell’s “1984”? Parsons’ column is proof of the liberal media’s proclivity to reward “correct” thinking and punish what is perceived as incorrect or politically unfashionable.

So the deputy sheriff stepped out of line by honestly voicing his opinion? So big deal, who cares? It’s when cops don’t express their feelings openly that we should worry. Give me a warmblooded, outspoken human any day over a noncommittal robot. Besides, when your life’s in danger, who would you rather meet: columnist Dana Parsons or Deputy Sheriff Agustin Alvarez?


