
Nude Dancing an Art Issue

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Linda Mann’s letter Jan. 18 (“Northridge Club Not a Source of Pride”) is based on her opinion that entertainment provided by nude girls dancing is degrading to women.

On the other hand, it is possible to view the fact that people are willing to pay good money to view a nude dancer as a sign of admiration for the beauty and art of the dancer. It is unlikely that many would pay to view ugly, artless nude dancing.

Nude dancers who can demand such pay and attract a paying audience are to be commended both for earning a living, not collecting unemployment or welfare, and providing entertainment that is valuable to the paying customers.


There is no way that anyone could perceive these beautiful, artistic women as being anything but valuable, and the impact they make on all, including children, is a positive one. It states that the beauty of the human body, and an art achieved and learned by hard work, and the dedication to continue that hard work on a daily basis is to be rewarded.


Woodland Hills
