
GARDEN GROVE : Students Accept Ban on Certain Clothing

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Garden Grove School District students say they will accept new regulations that permit principals to ban clothing associated with gangs, even though some believe that dress code restrictions can hurt morale.

The new regulations, given preliminary approval by the district board on Tuesday, will place a ban on gang-related attire and clothing that promotes use of alcohol and illegal substances.

School officials have said that gang colors and attire have not been a significant problem in the school district, but officials there decided to make make its informal policy a binding one to stem the flow of gang-related problems that have beset nearby districts.


Under the new regulations, principals may determine, for example, that wearing Los Angeles Raiders jackets or blue or red bandannas associated with gangs elsewhere will be prohibited on their campuses as well.

Jennifer Yeon, a senior at Garden Grove High School, said that she dislikes the idea of principals deciding what kinds of clothing are associated with gangs. Although she agreed that principals should be allowed to restrict clothes that depict alcohol or cigarettes, or clothes that are “too revealing,” she added: “If it’s a certain color or a bandanna, I don’t think they should have that right.”
