
A Word of Refusal on Trucking L.A. Trash

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I read with dismay about the plan to ship Los Angeles’ wastes to my back yard, “Rubbish by Rail” (Dec. 19). There is plenty of space in the canyons around Los Angeles for new landfills. Why is that land any more sacred than the land around my home? Why is the protection of the environment around Los Angeles more important than protecting the environment where I live?

Los Angeles generates the trash. It has a hell of a nerve to try to transfer its problems to people who have the sense not to live in the kind of environment Los Angeles has built for itself.

The transportation costs that would be saved in not shipping trash for 200 to 800 miles would certainly pay for the more expensive land in the canyon around the L.A. area. The sight of the trucks bringing their cargoes to the local landfill would give incentive to residents to recycle more and waste less.



Joshua Tree
