
Dismissal of Teacher’s Creationism Lawsuit Draws a Chorus of Hurrahs

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I am really sad to learn that Bible-literalist John Peloza is going to take his creationist teaching “constitutional right” all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a terrible waste of the school funds of the Capistrano Unified School District and of the tax-paid public officials who are being forced by the fundamentalists who want their religion taught in all of America’s public schools as a science in the biology classes.

It is really too bad that the paleontology discoveries of the last 100 years disagree with Peloza’s Bible. I think that since neither Peloza nor his fundamentalist followers were at the creation-time in 4004 BC with the angels, that none of these self-ordained experts have a leg to stand on.

Even if a religiously conservative U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Peloza’s favor, what creation myth would become standard in America’s schools? There are thousands of religions with thousands of creation stories with even more millions of sectarian interpretations of these stories. What story would become the “state-endorsed” one? And why?


Peloza should leave the public school system and teach at a fundamentalist church school that puts religious authority above all that we have learned about the universe in the last 100 years. He does not belong on the tax payroll.

