
Dismissal of Teacher’s Creationism Lawsuit Draws a Chorus of Hurrahs

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Re the story concerning the dismissal of teacher (John) Peloza’s lawsuit against the Capistrano Unified School District (“Peloza Vows to Appeal Ruling,” Jan. 18).

I am pleased that the case was dismissed; I hope that Peloza is watched very closely and that his teaching is monitored so that if he as much as hints at beliefs not covered in the curriculum, he will be fired for breach of contract.

The school system--tax-supported--is a dictatorship, not a democracy. Through the current set of laws, the school commissions are mandated to employ teachers and to supervise these employees in the teaching and testing of various disciplines. The school boards select the books, set the standards, and contract with the teachers. Mr. Peloza signed such a contract.


The environment of the school should be “squeaky clean” of anything that distracts the student from the disciplines. Students are not an audience for controversy.

I hope that the taxpayers rise up in indignation and sue Peloza and his backers for frivolous litigation when they were completely aware of the body of the law.

Besides, John Peloza is no Scopes.

RICHARD ROTH, Laguna Hills
