
Blue Line Noise

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As president of a homeowners association of residents living near the Blue Line in Long Beach, I am questioning Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley’s statement in his Jan. 14 article (Commentary) that “experience would give Sumitomo the upper hand in any bid relying on non-automated Blue Line technology.” It is obvious he didn’t do his homework.

Sumitomo built portions of the Blue Line and we, the residents living along the line, must tolerate their mistakes 228 times each day! The noise each train produces is equivalent to a small jet taking off. As a result, our home values have dropped over $200,000.

We were told by the LACTC prior to construction that the Blue Line would be quiet. In fact, the RTD sent flyers to local residents stating it would be “virtually noiseless.” Both the LACTC and the RTD agree we have a very serious noise problem. In light of this, why would the LACTC award another contract to a company with this “track” record?


