
Assistance for New Republics

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Re “Charity That Could Use a Hand,” Jan. 18:

I just returned from a very successful relief mission to Moscow with Operation Carelift, organized by Campus Crusade for Christ, Josh McDowell Ministries. We know our 220 tons of donated food, clothing, medicines and medical supplies (valued at $4.2 million) reached the children, parents and staff of the seven children’s hospitals in Moscow and 175 elderly in the Volotsky Houses community, because we sorted, packaged and delivered it! We were there to see the children clutch their Christmas gift packages to their chests and smile. We hugged mothers who couldn’t stop crying and kissed the elderly who just wanted to touch us.

Our project was a humanitarian gesture that was successful because of the herculean efforts of Josh McDowell, his staff and the Russian Medical Assn. of Childhood and the World. McDowell will continue his aid to Russia but the focus will be spiritual. The 160 volunteers of Operation Carelift (from the U.S., Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland) want to keep the relief momentum going. The Medical Assn. of Childhood and the World is the beginning of an infrastructure in Russia for the procurement and distribution of aid for their children. The medical attache at the American Embassy, Paul Grundy, is a useful contact person. New Life Russia is a Christian missionary group in place in Moscow that can assist.


Hermosa Beach
