
Fans Down on Downey for Column That Said Magic Shouldn’t Play

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I hated reading this.

Mike Downey’s article is the ugliest, most duplicitous type of yellow journalism I’ve had the misfortune to read in a long time; casting itself in terms of friendly advice while pandering to the lowest common denominator, the ignorant who scare easily.

If Downey took the time to educate himself to HIV issues, the last thing he would do is suggest to Magic that he avoid the opportunity this controversy provides. As any Irishman worth his salt knows, “You want attention, then start a fight.”

Magic should engage the fight so he can educate en masse. That way he can avoid Downey’s stated concern and only truly intelligent observation in the article, “You can’t educate everyone, one by one.”


My message to Magic: Don’t pass up this opportunity to educate the world . . . as well as ignorant sports columnists! It’s worth it.


