
With Luck, Irvine Co. Layoffs May Prove More Than Momentary Setback

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The Jan. 23 Times reports in large, bold type on Page One that the Irvine Co. will lay off 16% of its work force. Those of us who read the article discovered that this bold headline was dealing with the loss of only 60 jobs. That is significant and traumatic for those 60 families. It does not warrant the continual fear factor that is causing the 93% of the working people to fear spending and investing.

I survived my 1990 job loss. I survived Charles Keating Jr. because I invest rather than save. The economic fear being perpetuated daily by the media is causing much more damage than all of the job losses and thievery.

Those of us who had the time to read the same day’s Business section saw articles that housing signs are looking up and that experts now see recovery on the way. Responsible media might consider putting this wonderful news on the front page!


The media has awesome power over the attitudes of the masses. Please, media, if you can’t help solve our problems, at least quit perpetuating the fear that is not warranted by the loss of 60 jobs.

