
Funds for Public Broadcasting

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With great distress I read the headlines, “Secret Files Haunting Eastern Europe” (Jan. 21). Under the introduction, “From the files of former East German Stasi security police” were some quotes that would stab at the heart of any freedom-loving person--”(It is necessary) to limit the negative influence of those people or circles, to isolate them and to force social conformity.” The file tells of dealing with an “illegal reading circle,” with repression and demoralization, of using harassment, repression and incrimination against politically incorrect behavior.

As I read the ghastly story, my mind strayed to an article on the previous day headed “Senate Stalls PBS Money, Blames ‘Bias,’ ” (Jan. 20). It told of conservative groups who want to abolish funds for public television for what they purport to be a “leftist bias,” which seems to be any view that is different from theirs.

Rereading the story on the East German secret police, certain phrases take on a new relevance--”political-operational measures of repression and demoralization,” “illegal reading circle” and “to force social conformity.”


B.H. MARQUETTE, Costa Mesa
