
City Council Takes an Oath Not to Swear

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From now on, it’s taboo to utter the blunt barnyard synonym for bull manure during City Council meetings.

The Garden Grove City Council unanimously passed a measure Tuesday night prohibiting profanity of any kind when the council is in session.

Swearing was already off limits for folks who address the council during meetings, but a slip of the tongue by the mayor several weeks ago prompted elected officials to consider revamping the policy.


During a Redevelopment Agency meeting, Mayor W. E. (Walt) Donovan swore when he got into an argument with another council member over a vacant parcel of downtown property.

The breach of decorum offended Councilman Robert F. Dinsen, who called for a stricter policy.

Donovan said he did not mean to swear but lost his temper.

“This is the bullfight provision, right?” said Councilman Mark Leyes.

Under the revamped policy, “while the council is in session, the council members and city staff shall preserve order and decorum” and “shall not use profanity of any kind.”
