
More recognition for L.A.’s most famous cultural...

More recognition for L.A.’s most famous cultural institution:

The International Brassiere Museum at Frederick’s of Hollywood is one of several area galleries that have been asked to submit objets d’art to the Museum of Contemporary Art for a 1993 assemblage exhibition.

Among the items to be loaned will be a bustier (strapless bra) worn by Madonna, a peignoir from Mae West, pantaloons from Ava Gardner, a slip from Lana Turner and a nightgown from Judy Garland.

“We’re excited,” said Frederick’s spokeswoman Ellen Appel. “Madonna’s bustier could end up sitting next to a Rembrandt.”

Another Frederick’s treasure, the first dress worn by comic Milton Berle on television, was not chosen. It must have been deemed too valuable to transport.

MOCA has not released the names of the other museums that have been asked to participate, but we hope that some of our favorites will be given an opportunity to contribute the following icons:


1--Banana Museum, Altadena: A banana sequined with an image of Michael Jackson.

2--Max Factor Museum, Hollywood: An antique kissing machine, which tested lipstick by pressing two pairs of rubberized lips together under 20 pounds of tension.

3--Crypto-Phenomena Museum, Malibu: A blowup of a satellite photo of a Martian rock formation that resembles the profile of Tammy Faye Bakker, including eyelashes.

4--The Museum of Hair, Pasadena: A logo featuring the Mona Lisa adorned in a green facial mask with hair rollers.


5--Junk Mail Museum, Studio City: Still to be determined. The shrine, planned for more than a year by an L.A. mass-mailing magnate, has yet to find its own address.

Isn’t it enough that San Franciscans are always saying nasty things about L.A.? Now, the City by the Bay has apparently infiltrated Southern California with a new, high-tech advertising campaign aimed at the sunbathers along the L.A. River.

One wire service carried an advisory bulletin Wednesday about “a ‘panic alarm’ at the city attorney’s office.” We figured it must be a new development in the L.A. Ethics Commission’s investigation into alleged payroll irregularities in that office.


Turned out to be a false alarm.

The Burbank City Council has given a group permission to negotiate the development of an $80-million entertainment arena in that city, and--guess what!--the L.A. Clippers have indicated they might be interested in re-settling there.

We wonder whether the team would adopt an umbrella name, like the area’s airport, and become known as the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Clippers.


The average college freshman of 1991 spent 14.9 hours per week partying during his or her senior year in high school, according to a study by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA.
