
Ignoring the Elevator Music on KDUO

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What went wrong at KDUO (“Downfall of ‘Elevator Music,’ ” Jan. 24)? For one, readers of The Times never knew it was there. In the 10 years that I have enjoyed the pleasant, unobtrusive music and voices coming from Riverside, The Times completely ignored the station.

The other problem was at KDUO, where the powers that be apparently never understood their potential. KDUO could be heard in parts of the San Fernando Valley, at the L.A. Airport or the beach. Yet the management at KDUO either made no effort to capitalize on that power by seeking advertisers interested in reaching listeners outside the Inland Empire, or major advertisers were not convinced that a station in a far corner of the Basin would meet their needs.

All is not lost, however. Contrary to staff writer Claudia Puig’s statement, KDUO is not the last of the elevator stations. KJQI-AM (540), from equally remote Costa Mesa, is still there.



