
Raunch Radio

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Your article about shock radio was very misleading and wrong. As a listener of Mark & Brian since they came to L.A., I can say that they have not changed since Stern went on the air here.

Mark & Brian are not shock jocks, they are comics. True, some of their bits are not funny and some are graphic sexually, or just relate to sexual matters, but they do not dwell on it.

This morning, for instance, a woman called in to say her 12-year-old son started having wet dreams and wanted to know if she was right by asking her husband to tell the boy about sex (including masturbation, and how to don a condom). They were very supportive of her. The very next call was from a blind man asking for help finding a certified ski buddy so he could go skiing again. Brian, who is a skydiver, said they would help.


From my limited time listening to Stern, he probably would have been very rude to both callers and abused them for wasting his time. Mark & Brian run charity events, and are constantly expressing concern for the environment and people. They are genuinely nice guys.


