
Great Cooks : Write-In Candidates

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A couple of months ago we asked you to send us the names of great home cooks. Since then not a day has gone by that didn’t bring news of another terrific cook. Mothers have written to tell us about their children, colleagues have written about co-workers, wives have written about husbands, and husbands about wives. We have gotten photographs, drawings, cookies, recipes--even the tablecloth from a particularly memorable meal.

The truth is, we were unprepared for the onslaught of nominations--and for the quality of the cooking. We have wanted to meet every single person we’ve heard about. And in due time, we hope we will.

Meanwhile, this is the first of what will be an on-going series of articles about great home cooks. Faced with so many wonderful letters, we chose these people pretty much at random; unfortunately we can’t interview everyone you’ve told us about, but if you nominated a friend, a relative or yourself, you may very well be hearing from us. And if you know someone who ought to be in these pages, what are you waiting for? We’re still accepting nominations.
