
Ruling Striking Down Charity Law Appealed

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The city has asked a state appeals court to reconsider its ruling that struck down a requirement that solicitors for charities from outside the city be fingerprinted to obtain a permit to solicit in Glendale.

The environmental group Greenpeace, assisted by the American Civil Liberties Union, had challenged the law in a 1986 suit. The 2nd District Court of Appeal ruled Feb. 3 that the city requirement, which was adopted in 1945 and doesn’t apply to local charities, was unconstitutional. But Dennis H. Schuck, senior assistant city attorney, said the ruling may have been based on misconstrued statements.

The court can accept, deny or ignore the city’s request before the ruling becomes final March 4. If the ruling stands, the city will have until March 14 to appeal to the state Supreme Court, Schuck said, although city officials have not decided whether to appeal.
