
Park Improvements

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A proposed ballot measure would ask Los Angeles County voters to approve the creation of a park assessment district that would raise $520 million for improvements to beaches, parks, the Hollywood Bowl, the Los Angeles Zoo and Santa Monica Bay. Los Angeles County supervisors have scheduled a March 3 hearing on placing the proposal on the June 2 ballot. If passed, the measure would levy a $12.52-a-year assessment on the average single-family home. A similar measure in November, 1990, that required two-thirds voter approval failed to pass. The new measure requires only a simple majority for passage. Here’s a look at how the money would be distributed in the Glendale area:

COUNTY PROJECTS: Sports Complex IMPROVEMENTS: Development of a 33-acre site in the city of Glendale would include soccer and baseball fields on the east side of the Glendale Freeway. AMOUNT: $1.86 million

COUNTY PROJECTS: Deukmejian Wilderness Park IMPROVEMENTS: Ten acres in the 702-acre park in Glendale would be developed for hikers, equestrians and picnic areas. AMOUNT: $1.24 million


COUNTY PROJECTS: Los Angeles Zoo IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements and restorations would be made to the aging structure in Griffith Park. AMOUNT: $5 million

COUNTY PROJECTS: Griffith Observatory IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements would be made in access for the handicapped, and an education center also would be built. AMOUNT: $8.2 million

TOTAL: $16.3 million
