
NEWPORT BEACH : School Forums Seek Budget Cut Input

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Facing a $3.6-million budget deficit for the next school year, officials at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District are holding a series of community forums to gain input on proposed budget cuts for the district.

The hearings come as the board is being criticized by students, parents and teachers who are concerned about proposed cuts in personnel and programs.

So far, the district has proposed eliminating 50 to 80 full-time employee positions--primarily teachers’ positions--closing the district’s only school farm at Costa Mesa High School and charging for bus rides to and from school and sports events.


“This is the first time we’ve ever done this,” Board President Forrest K. Werner said on the community meetings, the first of which was held last week at the Davis Adult Education Center in Costa Mesa. “It might be a good time to lay the financial picture of the district out to the community.”

The district scheduled meetings in each of its four geographic zones in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.

The idea was promoted by new board member Edward H. Decker, who thought it would be helpful to involve the community in difficult board decisions. The district will need to balance its $80-million budget by June 30.


The meetings are to start with a 30-minute presentation about the district’s budget, detailing the funds the district receives and how those funds are currently spent.

After the board’s formal presentation, the floor will be opened and community members may voice opinions and question proposed budget decisions.

The next meeting will be tonight at Harper Community Center in Costa Mesa, followed by one Thursday at TeWinkle Intermediate School in Costa Mesa and a final one March 2 at Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach.


All the meetings are to begin at 7 p.m.
