
San Diego Border Fence

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In response to Bustamante’s impassioned criticism of U.S. immigration policy, I have one question: Why do some Mexicans figure that they have some inalienable right to immigrate to the United States? Bustamente’s thesis is that whenever America’s economy turns sour, Mexicans are blamed and border security is beefed up. He seems to say that Mexicans have a right to come here and we are keeping them out for illegitimate reasons.

Every nation has a right to maintain its borders, Mexico and the United States included. Indeed, Mexico does a marvelous job of keeping Central Americans out of Mexico with the use of armed troops along its border with Guatemala. Mexico’s immigration laws are among the toughest in the Western Hemisphere. It is virtually impossible for an American to emigrate to Mexico. The United States, on the other hand, has what amounts to the world’s most generous and lenient immigration policy. Yet when we try to maintain our own border integrity and enforce our own immigration laws, a hue and cry is heard from Mexicans, claiming racism and all sorts of evil motives.


Santa Barbara
