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Re “Legal Graffiti,” Platform, Feb. 9:

What a crock! Legal graffiti? Please! My husband and I just returned from a morning walk along the Huntington Beach seawall. Whatever system of permits Huntington Beach has implemented to control graffiti is a failure. The “legal” murals resemble most walls in Los Angeles, that is, covered with graffiti strike-overs!

Isn’t it illegal to alter in any way property that you do not personally own? Residents are getting very tired of looking at this eyesore as well as paying for its cleanup. Also, it’s hard to imagine any tourist visiting our fair city finding such a display a complement to the natural beauty of the beach and its environs. With the economy as bad as it is, should we be chasing away prospective visitors with a mean and filthy-looking environment? I think not. What we should be chasing away are the vandals.

J.A. McLAREN, Huntington Beach
