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“Give us more community news.”

That’s what you’ve told us you want. Starting today, each Tuesday through Saturday, the Valley Edition will do just that.

We are more than doubling the number of Valley area news briefs. To make them easier to find, we are moving them to the top of Page 2 in this section, under the heading Community Briefs.

The San Fernando Valley and the nearby Santa Clarita and Antelope valleys are a dynamic group of communities. They are interdependent, yet fiercely proud of their local identities. We think our new Community Briefs page will help keep you better informed about what’s happening in your neighborhood and in the communities around you.


Meanwhile, we’ll continue to cover the greater Los Angeles area for you. Metro news items that were on Page B2 will now appear opposite the Metro news page, right after the Valley News pages. In another upgrade of your Valley Edition, we are making it easier to find local news throughout the newspaper. Starting today, the index box on Page A1 will list only Valley stories.

Tell us what you think of our new format by writing us a letter to the editor or calling our telephonic letters to the editor at (800) 283-6397, Ext. 23244.

Bob Rawitch, Executive Editor, Valley Edition
