
Monterey Park Police Assn.’s Role Gets Clarification

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This letter is in regard to the article “Police Stress Public Involvement” (Times, March 8.) Specifically, this letter is because of some statements attributed to Judy Tung, secretary of the Downtown Merchants Assn.

Ms. Tung claimed that . . . “We would always receive a call from the police association saying they wanted us to donate money to buy tickets” for police benefits. This remark implies that the Monterey Park Police Assn. is frequently soliciting money and that is all the Police Department has cared about in the past.

I must take exception to the statement. It unfairly characterizes the association and the Police Department. The Monterey Park Police Assn. is a nonprofit group that represents Monterey Park police officers. It is a separate entity from the Police Department.


The MPPOA has not held a fund-raiser in over six years and has not made any community solicitations during that time. Every year, the association donates thousands of dollars to worthy community causes. The majority of the money comes from our members.

It is a distressing fact that private companies illegally use our name to solicit funds from the community. This is a fraud. This is a problem throughout Southern California. The same individuals are usually involved. We have even tried to take criminal action against them in the past.

The association supports many worthy activities and I am very involved with the community. The implication that we have only wanted to take money from Ms. Tung’s group and never wanted to know them is untrue.

I hope Ms. Tung will pay a little more attention to what goes on in the community before making any other statements about a community group, unjustly.


President, Monterey Park Police Officers Assn.
