
Congressional Check Bouncers

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The recent exposure of personal financial habits of many of our elected officials just confirms once again what we have known for a long time: Given the opportunity and acceptable odds of getting away with it without getting caught, our elected officials, and many other folks, will do almost anything.

It seems to me that this case, while I don’t condone it, is pretty innocuous and much less egregious than many others have been. It seems that we are not going to lose any money over this one, or get our taxes raised, or any of the bad things that usually happen as these problems get sorted out and corrected.

Given all this, I am surprised and astonished at the amount of flailing about and attention this event is receiving except that it must be infinitely more comfortable for our officials to wrestle with this problem than with the real and critical ones facing our country such as the economy, health care, the sorry state of politics, and the chaos and instability that exists in many countries.


Would that the search for the officials who voted for the legislation and supported the actions of our government that created the savings-and-loan and banking scandals had been as quick and universal and effective as the response to this tidbit, juicy though it might be.

RUDY COOK, Granada Hills
